Our District

Welcome to Deer Valley Unified School District! Our vision is graduating lifelong learners who will successfully compete, lead, and positively impact the world. Our mission is to provide extraordinary educational opportunities to every learner.
About Our District
Message from Dr. Finch

The DVUSD Difference The Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) is closing in on another banner year as we slide down the hill towards the finish line of another great school year. As we secured the most “A” Rated schools in our district’s “A” rated history last year, we also achieved over 70 individual and team State titles in fine arts, academics, and athletics. I said it was going to be “impossible to top those numbers” last year, but I also said that the year before… and the year before that! Each year the #extraordinary achievements of our staff and students continue to climb. To view a summary of the awards go to our website www.dvusd.org/extraordinary. You won’t believe it until you view the impressive list for yourself.
It’s time for next year’s Kindergarten students to get enrolled before the seats fill up. Enrollment for our free All-Day Kindergarten programs can be found on our website at www.dvusd.org/kinder. The certified teachers are in tune with the latest research on child development, and are ready for your student to excel with The Deer Valley Way. The students receive music, art, and physical education classes every day along with their core subjects as they prepare for First grade. DVUSD offers programs for gifted, special needs, and before-and-after school care options in a safe and welcoming environment. The age requirement for Kindergarten is that students must be five years old by August 31, 2025. If your student is four but will be five years old between September 1 to December 31, 2025, you can apply for “early entry” testing – to learn more, go to www.dvusd.org/earlyentry. DVUSD starts the early entry registration testing in February, so if you are interested in this option, get your registration in soon. If you want to go to a different DVUSD school other than your home school, you will need to follow the Open Enrollment process and wait for an opening. The process can be found at www.dvusd.org/openenrollment. The next Kindergarten Preview Night will be at your favorite DVUSD school on March 5th or 6th; check with each school for specifics or visit www.dvusd.org/kinderevents.
The necessary documents for enrollment into Kindergarten are: current shot records, birth certificate, some form of adult identification, and proof of residency within your DVUSD school boundary. The proof of residency could be anything that identifies your specific location such as: a utility bill, rent receipt, lease agreement, or house payment – anything official with the physical address. Maricopa County will have all of the necessary immunization requirements and locations.
Feel free to contact your neighborhood DVUSD school to learn more about the programs near you. The registration process for any of our 42 DVUSD schools is found at www.dvusd.org/register-for-school. In Arizona there are many options for students, but none better than DVUSD. The data, grades, and awards speak for themselves – no one has the range of options, excellence, and opportunities to excel like DVUSD.
To learn more about the DVUSD Difference go to www.dvusd.org/difference. Dr. Finch can be reached at
superintendent@dvusd.org ties to every learner.